Teaching Creativity
Well I don’t really teach creativity as such, for we are all creative. What I do is assist you to unlock your own inner creativity;...

Love Based Marketing
Today I decided to finally put some effort into selling and marketing my children’s book, Albert the Elephant. After six months of...

For a long time now I have wrestled with what title to use to describe what I do. Today I become clearer and more focused than ever...

Creativity Day - ceramic tiles
I especially loved watching the children create. They are so absorbed in what they are doing with a freedom of expression that does not...

Living from my Soul
Living from my soul Guided by my intuition Moment to moment Seek and ye shall find Seek, yet don’t seek Expect, yet without attachment...

Trying to lose weight is like trying to be something that you are not. Instead, accept yourself the way you are. Let yourself shine. We...

Creativity Day - held 4 4 2014
As I connect with that childlike part of my mind I feel the surge of creativity rising up from within, no longer being suppressed as it...

The Little Red Balloon
We journey high, we journey low and are taken to the end. Our life is short. We are created when someone fills us with air and we...